Piast Agro mustard seeds certified as Glyphosate Residue Free

Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum organophosphorus compound herbicide used to kill weeds, brought to market in the 1970s under the trade name of Roundup. It is currently one of the most used herbicides available under different trade names. Over the years, there have been numerous concerns regarding the impact of glyphosate on humans and the environment; there are studies and research materials with conflicting conclusions available on-line. Eventually, in 2017 glyphosate was classified by the European Chemicals Agency as causing serious eye damage and as toxic to aquatic life, but there is no evidence implicating it as a carcinogen, a mutagen, toxic to reproduction, or toxic to specific organs.
Our approach is way more cautious, though: we agree with Hippocrates that preventing is better than treating. This is why we decided to enrol for the Glyphosate Residue Free certification scheme run by The Detox Project. As of today, i.e. October 30th, 2023, all the mustard seeds we offer (conventional and organic) are certified as Glyphosate Residue Free (based on government limit of detection protocols and default Maximum Residue Limits [MRLs]). In order for us to be able to have our products certified, we have had them tested at an independent, external lab accredited as per ISO 17025 standard, according to the gold standard low detection liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectometry (LC-MS/MS) method.
We share our certificate with our business partners upon their request. Should you want to check the scope of our certification, please visit The Detox Project website.