Yellow mustard seeds
Yellow mustard (Sinapsis alba) family: Cruciferae
Annual plant.
Height: 30 - 60 cm.
Stem: branched, hairy.
Blooming season: June-July.
Flowers: yellow, clustery.
Seeds: rounded, light-yellow, 2 mm in diameter.
Growing requirements:
When it comes to soil and climate, mustard plants do not have any specific requirements. The best yield is obtained on sandy-loam or loamy sand soils that are rich in calcium. Sandy soils and soils with low humidity are not recommended. Planting takes place in April. In case of packed soils, the recommended spacing between rows is 35 cm (25 cm for other types). In early spring, plant approximately 30 seeds into a flowerpot that’s 10 cm in diameter, cover them with a 0,5 cm layer of soil and then water.
When mustard plant fruit begin to turn brown, it is time to harvest. If we wait too long, the fruit can shatter, and release the seeds. Once harvested, the seeds need to be cleaned and then dried. Seeds can contain up to 30 % of fatty oil, mucilage and approximately 2,5 % of glucosinolates, which in humid conditions break into mustard oil and p-hydroxybenzyl isothiocyanate.
Yellow mustard seeds (Semen Sinapis albae) have significant nutritional and therapeutic properties. They can be used for making poultices and compresses to relieve pain, especially in rheumatic illnesses. The downside is that they can cause redness and irritation when heated to 40°C.
Yellow mustard seeds also have wide application in the food industry. They can act as a preserving agent for vegetables or, when grinded, used to produce table mustard: mild and strong.
On top of that, yellow mustard is also an excellent honey plant.

Mustard Seeds
Yellow mustard is used as a spice. The hot, burning taste of mustard comes from the essential oils inside the seeds.

Mustard Seeds
Brown mustard seeds are used as condiment, but also in medicine. Their colour ranges from dark brown to black.

Mustard Seeds
Oriental mustard contains tannins that demonstrate activity against microorganisms (bacteriae and viruses).